Fitness Buzz - Yoga for Inflexible People

Just came across this interesting article in and according to the author, ‘Flexibility is more in your mind than in your body.’ Really???
She continues to say ‘If you let go of reaching for a picture-perfect pose, the barriers you have built, and tightness in your mind, you just may surprise yourself. Let go in your mind, and your body will let go too.’  
Mnnnnnn.. She might have a point.  Perfection does come with practice.  
She recommends the below modified poses three times a week, taking five to 10 deep breaths, and seeing how it goes. Don’t forget to take deep breaths. Use each inhale to create space and each exhale to let go of any tension you might be holding onto. Release!

Oookaaay will try:-) 

*Thread the Needle.  Increases flexibility in shoulders and spine

*Open Low Lunge Twist.  Increases flexibility in hips, spine, and backs of legs

*Extended Side Angle.  Increases flexibility in side waist, spine, and hips

*Single-Leg Forward Bend with Blocks.  Increases flexibility in backs of legs

*Modified Squat.  Increases flexibility in hips, regardless of Achilles' tendon flexibility

*Hip-Opening Crow Variation.  Great hip opener for the stronger set


*Seated Forward Bend with Blocks and Strap.  Increases flexibility in legs and back

