Stree Art - Egypt

Egypt's revolution in 2011 gave birth to an explosion of a new creativity... Street Art.  Located in North East Africa, Artists often created graffiti and murals as a form of non-violent protest, risking their lives if caught by Government officials including having their hard work destroyed.  Now, in Post-revolution Cairo, artists have more freedom.  Murals and graffiti stencils appear even in affluent neighborhoods instead of hidden alleyways. Some of the artworks are emotionally charged, expressing social anger, political frustration or paying tribute to fallen protesters.  
Due to their newly elevated status, graffiti artists get commissions from art galleries however their work is still at risk of being targeted, especially by the powerful army and its supporters.  "Graffiti is a form of art, one of the ways of expression," said Ahmed Al-Attar, playwright and artistic director of the Downtown Contemporary Arts Festival. "It's kind of making a statement, that the public space is for everyone. It's for walking, it's for sitting down, it's for demonstrating. It's for art.
These murals are amazing.  They are very emotional expressive pieces highlighting the social & political environment in Egypt.  You can NEVER supress creativity, Kudo's to these Artists.

