Street Art in Tunisia

Tunisia, a country in North Africa sparked by the 2010 political revolution is  were all things cultural is happening now. The city is currently home to a booming street art scene using a technique known as ‘Calligraffiti’, a mix of Arabic calligraphy and graffiti.  According to street artist ‘Karim Jabbari’, “The Islamic art scene is new to Tunisia, My art is deeply rooted in North African history, yet it is urban."
Karim Jabbari painted this graffiti mural on the wall of a prison

Tunisian graffiti artist eL Seed 

Jabbari created a puzzle based on Yebne Ommi. "It talks about the need to get up and strive. Life doesn’t wait for those who choose to sleep,“ he says. "I think it applies to this city and other cities in the Arab world.“
