What Is ISIS And What Do They Want In Iraq?

Another gruesome video was released  today showing the beheading of a second American hostage by the Islamic militant group ISIS. REASON; a retaliation to President Obama’s recent address in which the President pledged “relentless” commitment to protecting American citizens and bringing ISIS to justice.   Freelance Journalist Steven Joel Sotloff, 31, had gone missing in northern Syria over a year ago. His first appearance since he disappeared was in the video of the first victim two weeks ago.  ISIS featured a British journalist in the second beheading today claiming he would be next if their demands are not met.

Freelance Jounalists PLEASE be very careful with your assignments.  It may be the THRILL of the job but its appalling how many journalists may have gone missing and the media does not cover it until some sort of tradegy happens.  So who exactly in ISIS and what do they want???  With all the media coverage its so hard to get a REAL grasp of their motives.  This video gives a brief detailed summary check it out.                


**Secularism: the belief that religion should not play a role in government, education, or other public parts of society  #SadamHussein
Jihadi - a holy war fought by Muslims to defend or spread their beliefs  #ISIS

What's the Difference Between Sunni and Shia Muslims?

 Who are the kurds and what do they want in iraq
