Urban Art - Ride a Taxi in Style - The Taxi Fabric Project

The Taxi Fabric Project in Mumbai, India, is an amazing project funded through Kickstarter, which allows a team of Indian artists to decorate the interiors of taxis from their various cities with poetic and colorful creations.  What a great idea, I hope this rolls out to other artists around the world.  These artists are truly amazing, they have decorated 30 taxi's so far, you can help by making a donation on KickStarter.com.  Check out some of my fav's I liked them all.  We need this in NYC, geez:-)  Traffic or the bad driving would not bother us pedestrians so bad if cabs were this fun here:-)

'A Century Of Revolt' - inspired by a century of struggle by young India desperate for freedom by Creative Director of this project, Kunel Gaur
