ELLE's 'Women In Hollywood' Issue - November 2015

This years annual 'Women in Hollywood' issue by  ELLE magazine, celebrates eight extraordinary women currently making 'waves' in Hollywood. Honorees include Carey Mulligan, Amy Schemer, Mia Farrow, Kate Winslet, Alicia Vikander, Salma Hayek, Dakota Johnson, and Selma director Ava DuVernay.  Issue will be available on newsstands nationwide October 20.
Movie 'Selma' Director Ava DuVernay - Stunning shot! Dress by Calvin Klein
On the process of creating the Oscar-winning Selma: "It was important to me when I took over the film and rewrote the script that there were those silences and spaces where these icons are being people."

Comedian Amy Schemer - Calvin Klein shirt, black satin bra by Harno (huge fan of Hanro! a splurge but super comfy)
​​On filming Girls: "I played a character not unlike the kind of character I often play on my show, like, a girl who's a little bit trashy but thinks she's the ultimate class act."
50 Shades Actress Dakota Johnson - Calvin Klein jacket
On adapting the role of Anastasia in Fifty Shades:  "I needed Anastasia to be funny. If you can't laugh during a movie like that, you're f--ked. Literally. You need to have something that everyone can relate to."
Actress Salma Hayek's sexy cover in a strapless dress by Stella McCartney
On the toughness needed to be a mother:   "Oliver Stone said, 'I know you're tough, but now you're a mother. Do you think you can be that tough?' I said, 'Oh, my God—motherhood just makes you tougher.'"
Actress Kate Winslet in Victoria Beckham
​​On the relentless schedule of Titanic:  "We all got pretty exhausted—but the stunt people seemed to have an impossible supply of energy. And for the dancing scenes, the dressing rooms were like a cabaret!"
Actress ALICIA VIKANDER in letter pants by Louis Vuitton
Director Joe Wright, the director of Pride & Prejudice and Anna Karenina on Vikander:
 She's incredibly determined and hardworking, and yet, from up above, it all looks simple and elegant and easy."
Actress CAREY MULLIGAN in Valentino
On filming her newest film, Suffragette:  "It was a really buzzy, fun, exciting set to be on, a lot of women doing stuff that we don't ordinarily get to do. I've never run away from a bomb exploding before. Or been thrown in prison."
Actress Mia Farrow stuns in a Gucci jacket
​​​On taking unexpected, sometimes even undesired roles, like the leading role in ​Gloria: 
"John [Cassavetes​] wrote this part for a major star, who turned it down. She felt it wasn't glamorous enough. I said, 'I want it, and I don't care if you pay me anything.'"
